Enabled by RapidLEI’s LEI issuance and management APIs, we’re starting to see more technology innovators build Legal Entity Identifiers (LEI), and the benefits of LEIs, into their own solutions. To help users to discover and try these LEI-enabled solutions we’ve launched the new LEI Marketplace; a convenient place for customers and partners to find LEI-based applications and solutions.

The RapidLEI marketplace will allow you to:

  • Solve identity challenges with LEI-based solutions
  • See which technology innovators are collaborating within the LEI ecosystem
  • Find new technology that supports LEIs

LEI Marketplace

We’ve included some early innovators and expect the LEI Marketplace to keep growing as technology providers continue to build cool and interesting applications that use LEIs. The LEI is ultimately a standardised organisational identity that’s recognised all over the globe. Thanks to the growing awareness of LEIs we’re now seeing applications that use the identifier to help prevent fraud, create b2b efficiencies, enable faster and lower cost KYC, and connect together the many organisation identifiers available (both private and Government). 

To see the current LEI Marketplace go to rapidlei.com/lei-marketplace

If you have an LEI-enabled solution, or would like to discuss how RapidLEI can help you integrate LEIs into your application or value proposition, get in touch with our Partner Team.