Keith Uber, VP of Sales Engineering at Ubisecure, recently joined Riley Hughes on The Future of Identity Podcast by Trinsic. Keith discusses the role of verifiable credentials in organisational identity and vLEIs (Verifiable Legal Entity Identifiers), emphasising how verifiable credentials have implications for both consumer identity and organisational identity, whilst presenting new business opportunities and operational efficiencies. Keith highlights the European Identity Wallet (EUDI) initiative as a pivotal development for consumers, enabling streamlined authentication to government and third-party services. He also covers how Ubisecure’s RapidLEI service issues Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs), which have the potential to enhance business transactions, document signing, and verification processes.

Keith and Riley discuss various key topics around organisational identities and vLEIs, including:

Verifiable Credentials and the Identity Landscape

Keith delves into verifiable credentials and their multifaceted impact on consumer and organisational identity. These credentials not only present an avenue for streamlined authentication, but also pave the way for new business opportunities and enhanced operational efficiency.

European Identity Wallet and the Consumer Identity Revolution

Keith highlights the European identity wallet initiative as a landmark development that has the potential to revolutionise consumer identity. This initiative is set to provide consumers with a unified approach to authentication across government and third-party services.

Navigating the Identity Ecosystem

Ubisecure closely monitors initiatives like eIDAS 2.0 and EUDI and has a proactive approach to related developments. Keith highlights Ubisecure’s commitment to staying at the forefront of identity technology trends and understanding how these trends might impact its services and offerings.

The Power of Organisational Identity

Delving deeper into organisational identity, Keith highlights the role of vLEIs in transforming business transactions, document signing, and verification processes. These credentials provide a unique opportunity for businesses to enhance their operations by creating a seamless and secure environment for transactions and interactions.

A Vision for the Future of Identity

Keith explains how he envisions a future where verifiable credentials play a pivotal role in shaping the identity ecosystem. He emphasises the need for a governing actor to ensure the widespread adoption and standardisation of these credentials.

The podcast episode provides a fascinating glimpse into the potential of verifiable credentials, particularly vLEIs, in transforming the identity landscape. The evolving consumer identity landscape, combined with the opportunities presented by organisational identity, showcases the far-reaching impact of this innovative technology. To discover more about Organisational Identity and vLEIs listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube.

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